Monday, November 17, 2008

never have to worry about being associated with certain kinds of food because of their race

Dave Chappelle describes a problem that doesn't afflict white folks as a race: assumptions about which kinds of food they eat. (Profanity alert)


  1. Thanks for the Chappelle, a good laugh for the day, with a good point to deliver too. Socially conscious comedy, Dave's often good at that. Strange how so many fewer white comics are. I miss George Carlin! ("so many fewer?" I think George would've loved that!)

  2. LOL! I miss Chappelle. It's too bad he ended his show over guilt. The Black White Supremacist is still his most brilliant sketch.

  3. What do White Latino Jewish people do?

  4. I don't know, Kelso. Perhaps you can say better than I can?

  5. There you go again Macon, trying to reinforce your "fallacious" claim that whites have no culture or stereotypes.

  6. Kathy, if I remember right, you're white? If so, when's the last time you felt self-conscious or bad in any other way about eating a stereotypically, supposedly "white" food in front of other people? Also, what was that food?

  7. The point is not the "whites have no culture" but rather that white culture is hegemonic American culture. Certainly this is not always true, and it can be complicated by voices that speak back against this hegemony, but when you say "American" culture and really mean "white" culture, then you have your answer.

  8. You've been awarded. GREAT BLOG.

  9. Thank you Leigh, that's quite an honor.

    Welcome aboard!

  10. My young cousin has a new friend who is half white. He just came home asking me what certain foods were.
    Sushi - white
    Italian food - white
    Bland food - white
    But you're right that whites don't have to feel self conscious while eating those foods.

  11. Yeah, that was more my point, uglyblackjohn. While some non-white people may well associate certain foods with white people, white people rarely realize that, let alone feel bad about it, or disrespected by those who do it.

  12. Can you please say "white American" when you mean white American? Thanks.

  13. Melinda, can you please explain why you think I should do that?

  14. Poppycock.

    Although I've never been embarrassed by eating stereotypically "white" food (as most people in public would identify me as "white"), I frequently fall prey to assumptions about my tastes and abilities. Having to ask for chopsticks, or having asian people compliment me on how well I use them ("unlike those other barbarians!"), getting strange looks when I order food that many assume "people like me" would not eat - from chicken feet (which is kind a departure from occidental flavors so I harbor no offense) to menudo. Menudo, for fucksake. What do you mean "white people don't usually order menudo?" It's soup.

    I like soup!

    (Hi, I like your blog too.)


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